Let me see if I got this thing straight.
The world is celebrating the death of a barbarian assassin terrorist who was assassinated in Pakistan by a special elite force of the United States of America.
Hidden in a compound where there was no telephone or internet, unarmed - as the White House admitted - the master brain of the 9/11 attack that killed over 2600 people was no longer the commander in chief of his organization. He made use of a trustworthy courier to transmit his messages. The identity of this courier was obtained by torturing the prisoners who are kept under severe vigilance in an American military facility in Guantanamo, Cuba.
In addition, it was by monitoring this courier the American intelligence was able to disclose the secluded location of Bin Laden's hideout.
The elite force that broke into his hiding shelter had received order to kill him and then dispose of his body in the ocean. The Pakistanian government was not consulted about the invasion of its territory by another country and only learned about it afterwards.
In a nutshell: people celebrate torture - a crime; they celebrate the killing of an idle terrorist - a crime; and the well succeeded military operation that implied violating the sovereignty of a country - a crime likewise.
This is the same as saying, in some cases - and there'll be many of them not just a few - “torturing can be justified. Assassinating can be justified. Invading another country can be justified”. We repel violence when it affects us. We accept it when it is against those we hate.
Shall we dance on the streets?
To hell with scruples, the western model of democracy and the basic consensual values of all religions.
A former CIA member, the American spying agency, told The New York Times that the manifestation of jubilation of his fellow compatriots over Bin Laden's death reassures the methods used by the CIA in defense of its country's interests. A retired Brazilian Army Official, who during the 19664 dictatorship tolerated and stimulated torture and even death of those who opposed the regimen, would be capable of doing such a thing.
The world will not be safer or less safe with Bin Laden's death. At this point, his importance was merely symbolic. "With his death justice was done", proclaimed President Barack Obama.
George W Bush at least captured, tried and only then hanged the former Iraq dictator Saddam Hussein. In what we call civilized societies justice is done differently. It is consecrated the Israeli doctrine that justifies selective assassination for the Enemy of the State. This was an act of vengeance that served Bin Laden well.
Nevertheless, we do not deserve that because of him international agreements that treat as crime torturing, assassinating and the violation of a country's territory by foreign troops be torn apart.
Bin Laden lost. And nobody won.
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English translation by:
César Melo
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Bin Laden lost. And nobody won
Bin Laden's death,
Osama Bin Laden,
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Parabéns pela ideia. Blogs são realmente uma excelente maneira de tornarmos o nosso trabalho conhecido e - com talento - reconhecido.
No entanto, esteja certo de que manter um blog é uma coisa super chata. Principalmente por causa dos trolls (os FDP que entram e comentam apenas para se mostrarem superiores e arrumarem confusão mesmo). Os trolls são o terror de todo blogueiro.
Em todo caso, bem-vindo à blogosfera. Precisando de ajuda para implementar o blog e quem sabe ganhar uma graninha extra com ele (com o tempo) pode me perguntar. Acredite, a renda do blog Inglês na Ponta da Língua hoje é moderada, mas paga um bom número de contas (rsrsrsrsrsrs).
Por fim, só umas observações. Ao pesquisarmos em corpus da língua inglesa notamos que no gênero jornalístico a combinação "occidental model" não é muito usada. Sendo, portanto, preferível a combinação "western model". Além disso, de acordo com os guias e manuais de redação do NY Times o melhor é escrever "hung", visto que oficialmene falando o verbo "hang" é irregular. Por fim, a mídia internacional não usa o termo "mansion" para descrever o local onde o Bin Laden estava; o termo usado é "compound".
Enfim, ficam as dicas. Como você está no mundo dos blogs, tenho certeza que poderemos continuar aprendendo muito um com o outro. Afinal, é para isso que estamos aqui: APRENDER SEMPRE.
Your friend,
Denilso de Lima
<a href="http://denilsodelima.blogspot.com/>Inglês na Ponta da Língua</a>
The western world won, without such a plague, who took out the life of million people, specially in USA and SPAIN, thanks God Brazil was out of that! Vera Graña
Sorry Vera but to say that the Western Model won is not fair because the impression I have is that the thousouds of lives that were coldly sacrificed in Afaghanistan and Iraq in the name of justice seem meaningless. The impression I get is that only those who died in the USA, Spain and England matter.
What justice is that kills a man in cold blood just like and that refuses to show any proof of his death?
I seriously do not believe anyone has won. All we've had was a stupid battle in which lives were lost in the name of a vengeance that defied the sovereignty of a country and humiliated it before the international community.
Now can you imagine if it was the other way around? If Pakistan had invaded the USA to capture and murder anyone hidden in that country? What do you think might have happened?
Obrigado Denilso.
Essas observações vindas de você certamente são apreciadas. O engraçado é que "compound" e "hang" eu realmente não tinha observado. Mas "western model" eu já tinha percebido e tinha mudado antes mesmo de ler o teu comentário. Mais uma vez obrigado.
É bom saber que alguém que já está nesse lance de há tanto tempo leu o texto, que não é meu - vale salientar. Esse texto me foi enviado pela Edilis e eu simplesmente traduzi.
Não estou nessa pra ganhar dinheiro até porque não acredito que traduzir esses textos venha a dar algum lucro. Essa foi apenas uma forma de expor o ponto de vista sobre alguns fatos que acho interessantes mas que são escritos em português, e que ganham uma abrangência maior quando traduzidos para a língua inglesa ou vice versa. Mas, if any profit should come from this idea, it'll be received welcomely.
Mais uma vez obrigado pelas dicas. E espero que você se recupere logo.
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